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I was relieved to read a CNN article that captured the iceberg of emotional pain and experiences that accumulates to such extreme endings. It is not one event that provokes us; it is a lifetime of unmet needs, emotional violence and suppression of authentic self.  We cannot even learn new skills because we are too afraid to even admit that we have fault.

Click following link to read article, What if he were your kid? By Joshua Coleman

Personally, I think we all have fault and we are all responsible.

If you’d like to learn more about the evolution of violence and peace read the article, How Culture Shapes the Developing Brain and the Future of Humanity By James W. Prescott (Ph.D.)

“The greatest terror a child can have is that he is not loved, and rejection is the hell he fears. I think everyone in the world to a large or…

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I want to achieve so much, I have many ideas and do lots of things yet often feel I am not making the progress I want because I am all over the place. For example, I admin 4 facebook pages, 2 websites, maintain my own private practice in the States, starting one in NZ and volunteer for various organisations. My main goal is to promote sensitivity, compassion, tolerance, empathy, emotional intelligence in all systems (e.g. homes, schools, recreational programs, courts) My ultimate intentions:
*Ignite and connect humanity at our deepest cellular, emotional, and spiritual levels of interaction;
*Cultivate intergenerational healing and relational integrity;
*Maximize human potential;
*Empower authentic self and innate resources; and
*Transcend from fear and apathy to unconditional love and non-violent action.

I have learned that when I focus my energy on something, it shines yet I just can’t decide where to focus it or even if I have too… Maybe I am meant to be all over the place and trust it will all come together when it is meant to.


When I am mindful and present, I feel peaceful and content. Yet it often feels I live in a fear-based, you-will-be-blamed- shamed- and- antagonized -till -you-give -what- you- owe- me kind of world. It is maddening and quite exhausting. If I could draw this sentiment, this is what my comic strip would look like…

Me trying to do a standing yoga pose with a bullseye board behind me; knives, arrows, cell-phones, computers, TVs are being thrown and hitting me every where. There would be a thinking bubble coming up from my grimacing, shocked face of me doing a supreme yoga pose, every projectile has perfectly missed me as well as created an outline of a scenic background, and I have a serene look on my face. And then some random, large finger comes and pops my dream bubble.

…after a bit of introspection, I thought it ironic how one of my dreams is to create…

View original post 76 more words

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